This is, Journey from human power to mechanical power.

Man has been engaged in the search for something new from the very beginning and this discovery has forced him to travel, Thus man began his first journey on foot, which was later followed by animals, today he has reached car rides and thus the journey of months ended in days.

"If you want to innovate something big, you have to know where and why it were invented!"

Hi! my name is Syed Murtaza Hassan Zaidi as SMHZ, I am student of Mechanical Engineering and also Associate Mechanical Engineer since last one year, I am on the mission to find these lost inventors whose inventions we use in our daily life and for providing my research article to you guys this is my website.

Recent Blog Posts

From Technical Blog's by SMHZ.

A Wonderful invention | ایک عجوبہ ایجاد
Sea War Innovation | سمندری جنگ میں جدت
Robert Whitehead | رابرٹ وائٹ ہیڈ
Journey from Level to the Depths of the Sea | سطح سے  سمندر کی گہرائی تک کا سفر
Journey From Human Power to Machine Power | انسانی طاقت سے مشینی طاقت  تک کا سفر
A Wonderful invention | ایک عجوبہ ایجاد